2024 – 2027    Knowledge Generation Grant, National Research Agency, Spain (PI: Alves-Bezerra / University of Cadiz)

2023 – 2027    EMERGIA Grant, Andalusian Government, Spain (PI: Alves-Bezerra / University of Cadiz)

2023 – 2026    Strategic Action in Health Grant, Carlos III Health Institute, Spain (PI: Romero-Gómez / H.U. Virgen del Rocío)

2022 – 2023    María Zambrano Grant for Attraction of International Faculty, Spanish Ministry of Universities & European Union NextGenerationEU, Spain (PI: Alves-Bezerra / University of Seville)

2021 – 2024    K01 Research Scientist Development Award, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH / NIDDK), USA (PI: Alves-Bezerra / Baylor College of Medicine)

2020 – 2023    Career Development Award, American Heart Association (AHA), USA (PI: Alves-Bezerra / Baylor College of Medicine)

2018 – 2020    Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, American Heart Association (AHA), USA (PI: Alves-Bezerra / Weill Cornell Medical College)

2016 – 2017    NASH Fatty Liver Disease Postdoctoral Research Award, American Liver Foundation (ALF), USA (PI: Alves-Bezerra / Harvard Medical School)